  • 我的观影记录

《基贝拉的天空》是一部由意大利地区于2019年出品的纪录片类电影。该片由Marco Martinelli、Ermanna Montanari担任编剧,Marco Martinelli亲自指导拍摄。主要演员包括未知等意大利著名影星。

SynopsisDo you not recognisethat we are worm*orn to take on the formof the angelic butterfly?Dante AlighieriTHE SKY OVER KIBERA is an art film: it portrays how the Divine Comedy was “brought to life” inKibera, an immense slum in Nairobi. Here, Martinelli worked with 150 children and adolescents to reinvent Dante’s masterpiece in English and Swahili. In so doing, he used his own poetic and visionary approach, interwe*ing footage from the performance with other images, sequences shot in the slum for the film, to alchemically transform theatre into cinema.Three adolescents from Nairobi give body and voice to Dante, Virgil and Beatrice. They are theguides who lead the spectator through the labyrinth of Kibera. Here, the “dark forest” in which Dante gets lost is much more than a * metaphor: in Swahili, Kibera means “forest”. All around them, a teeming chorus of bodies recites the tumultuous life of the damned, with wild beasts, thieves, murderers, devils, corrupt politicians – and poets indicating the way to salvation. Bringing together songs and recitation, wild races and frenzied dances, the 150 protagonists give life to a rich and touchingly poetic tableau, confirming once again the universal nature of Dante’s masterpiece.Director’s intentions“When I arrived in Kibera to start work on this project, invited by the Avsi Foundation, Dante and his Divine Comedy immediately came to mind. It may seem strange to link this famous piece of literature, at the origin of the Italian language and its literature, to one of Africa’s largest slums. Over half a million people live here with no safe drinking water, shacks heaped up one on top of the other, garbage everywhere and unbearable living conditions. But what else is the Divine Comedy, if not a courageous descent into the bowels of humanity? This work’s structure is the archetype of a universal voyage, and Dante, speaking of himself, speaks of all humanity. From a “dark forest” made of fear, rage and desperation, this poet, after accepting to be guided by redeeming shades, first descends to Inferno, then rises up the mountain of Purgatory, and finally comes to the light of Paradise. We began by telling the story of the Divine Comedy, like it was a fairy tale: and it worked. Our little accomplices played along. They felt like this story, which came from another world, was their own. We started out with games and improvisation, * everyone realise that this ancient tale needed their “world”, their experiences, desires and fears, to come to life once again and speak to spectators. The 150 protagonists of THE SKY OVER KIBERA brandished the Comedy as though it was a weapon, shining and beautiful, shouting out their right to happiness to the whole planet”.

Marco Martinelli
Marco Martinelli、Ermanna Montanari

