  • 我的观影记录

《欲望边缘》是一部由巴西地区于2017年出品的剧情类电视剧。该片由格洛里娅·佩雷斯担任编剧,罗杰里奥·戈麦斯、Pedro Vasconcelos亲自指导拍摄。主要演员包括马丽娅·费尔南达·康基多、朱莉安娜·帕爱斯、莉莉娅·卡布拉尔、伊斯·巴尔韦德、保拉·奥利维拉、罗德里戈·隆巴尔迪、马可·皮科西、温贝托·马丁斯、丹·斯蒂拉奇、费伍柯、卡罗尔·杜阿尔特、埃米利奥·丹塔斯、泽泽·保利萨、艾莉让哲拉、布鲁纳·林斯迈耶、黛博拉·法拉贝拉、Gisele Fróes、艾德森·塞路拉里、托尼科·佩雷拉、朱莉安娜·派瓦、克劳迪娅·梅洛、露西·佩雷伊拉、桃奇娅·梅莱赖斯、Karla Karenina、丹达拉·玛丽安娜、西弗罗·佩雷拉、Mariana Xavier、乔奥·布拉沃、Michel等巴西著名影星。

Promising lawyer, Caio (Rodrigo Lombardi) is considered for administering Garcia, one of the largest companies in the country, however, when Bibi (Juliana Paes) decides to end their relationship, he leaves everything behind and relocates to United States. 15 years later, returns to Brazil with more experience in the judiciary and meets once again with Bibi, who failed to complete College and is married to Rubinho (Emilio Dantas). Rubinho goes through a delicate financial condition, as he and Bibi struggle to make ends meet which will force him to enter the world of crime.As the only qualified heir, Eugênio (Dan Stulbach) prepares his son, Ruy (Filipe Galvão, also known as Fiuk) to take over the administration of the company. Ruy is engaged to Cibele (Bruna Linzmeyer), with whom they share different qualities from their personal lives to their professional lives, however, when he travels to Parazinho, he is enchanted by Ritinha (Isis Valverde), a young woman who loves the fascination exerted by men, such as playing a mermaid, which she actually believes to be. Engaged to Zeca (Marco Pigossi), a truck driver who has rude but quiet friendly behavior.Rita continues her game of seduction with the carioca, because she intends to follow her impulses. Despite critici* that he hears about the Ritinha, Zeca loves her above anything. On the day of the wedding he finds out about Ritinha’s fling with Ruy, he angrily leaves Parazinho after Ritinha runs away with Ruy, supposedly because she feared of Zeca’s violent temper. In the new town, he meets Jeiza (Paolla Oliveira), a police officer who dreams of becoming an MMA fighter.In parallel occurs the transformation of Ivana (Caroline Duarte), Ruy's sister, who feels like a man trapped in a female body, causing conflict with Joyce (Maria Fernanda Cândido), who raised her daughter to be a princess. Joyce's relationship with her hu*and begins to crumble when he meets Irene (Débora Falabella), an ambitious woman who will do anything to convince Eugênio to stay with her. On the other hand, Eurico, Eugênio’s older brother, (Humberto Martins) likes to have everything and everyone under his control, but can't control his wife, Silvana (Lília Cabral), on her gambling addiction.

罗杰里奥·戈麦斯、Pedro Vasconcelos