  • 我的观影记录

《真爱之路》是一部由法国地区于2001年出品的剧情类电影。该片由Rémi Lange、Antoine Parlebas担任编剧,Rémi Lange亲自指导拍摄。主要演员包括Karim Tarek、Sihem Benamoune、Abdellah Taia等法国著名影星。

Plot Summary :This romantic-kitsch story goes from Paris to Marseille, from Amsterdam to Morocco via Jean Genet's grave in Larache, and on to Tangiers. The movie tells the story of an Algerian-French hetero*ual young man beginning a sociology study of gay islamic homo*ualities and discovering gay love with a young French steward.Comments:French Algerian Karim (Karim Tarek) is a student in Paris and spends his time with his girlfriend Sihem (Sihem Benamoune).法国人Algerian Karim是巴黎的一个学生,他跟她女朋友Sihemi一起生活。He happens to view a television program about the gay life in Egypt in the 20th century, a life that allowed gay relationships and even marriages so along as the men gave up the lifestyle when they eventually married women.他偶然看到了一个关于20世纪埃及同*生活的电视节目,在那里,同*关系甚至是婚姻都是允许的,只要当他们最终跟一个女人结婚,并放弃他们先前的生活方式。His interest in the subject results in a sociology project of interviewing gay Arab men to explore contemporary gay lifestyles.对于这方面的浓厚兴趣让他投身于一项社会学工程:采访*男同*,从而发掘现在的同*生活。After a few aborted attempts (Karim is not sufficiently comfortable with the subject matter to gain the trust of his interviewees) Karim encounters Farid (Farid Tali), a gay, well-adjusted, quietly seductive handsome Algerian lad who not only agrees to be interviewed, but also finds ways to assist Karim with his project.经历了一些中途终止的尝试之后(Karim对所研究的主题并没有足够的释怀,以至于得不到他的采访对象的信任),Karim遇到了Farid,一个“好说话(这个翻译太中国化了,但我觉得是这个意思)”,安静,迷人,英俊的阿尔及利亚gay小伙。他不仅同意了Karim的采访,还帮助Karim寻找到很多方法进行他的项目。Chemistry develops and the two depart Paris to visit Marseilles and Morocco and Karim discovers why the subject of choice fascinates him so!事情自然地发生了,两个人离开Paris造访了Marseilles和Morocco,Karim发现了选择这个主题项目令他这么着迷的原因了。The beauty of this film lies in the honesty in which it is written, directed, acted, and edited.这部影片的看点在于它的编剧、导演的执导、演员的表演还有对它的编辑都表现出一种很真诚的心态。Not only are we allowed to explore a subject matter few of us knew (Islamic homo*uality history and social mores), we are also presented with one of the more tender love stories on film - tender because it is not overt but rather because it is so naturally evolved.我们不仅可以了解到一些鲜为人知的事情(*的同*历史等等),还可以从电影里看到一个个温馨的爱情故事(说它温馨,并不是因为它们公然的展现,而是它们自然的发展)。The actors are excellent and though they feel as though they are first time, off the street recruits, they find the core of the script and make the story beautiful.演员很棒,虽然他们认为好像是自己的第一次,刚从大街上被召入剧组,但他们理解了剧本的精髓,让这个故事变得更加美丽。

Rémi Lange
Rémi Lange、Antoine Parlebas

