  • 我的观影记录

《解剖木乃伊》是一部由美国地区于2004年出品的剧情类电影。该片由现代著名作家担任编剧,Tom Pollock亲自指导拍摄。主要演员包括Brian Yansen、Robert Allwood、Martin Nigel Davey等美国著名影星。

Synopsys:The Emperor's Mummy / Death Of A WarriorJames and Ken returns to Rio to investigate a 3.000 year old Egyptian sarcophagus in the National Museum. Experts think has never been opened. Can the Mis cconfirm that is the case and that the person inside was not switched in antiquity when it was common to re-use coffins - or much later, before it was given to the Emperor of Brazil in the nineteenth century?A Lost Queen? / Mummy IslandIn the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh lie the 3.500 year old remains of two ancient Egyptians from Qurneb an andult and a very child. It's unusual: even the kings of the time did not have burials so rich. Heayher and James travel to Scotland to investigate the clues from the grave. The * is a young woman whose bones show signifiant lack of wear and tear.The Oldest Mummie In The World / Mummies Without A HomeThe Chinchorro mummies of Chile are the oldest ever found, the oldest beign over 9.000 years old. many of them are children but some are so *all archeologists aren't sure if they are dolls, or statuettes, or if in fact they are real mummified babies. Tiffiny and Ken travel to Africa and Chile where the mummies are conserved to test wheter they are real mummified.Wrapped In Mystery? The Lost VikingIn pre-Inca Peru, the most important civic centre was a place called Armatambo, home of the Ichma people. One of the magnificient old city. It's now a shanty town where ancient bones poke out of the ground. In the 15th century the Incas overwhelmed Armatanbo and subjugated the indigenious people. In a recent archaeological dig, 200 mummy bundles in burials from Ichma and Inca times were found.

Tom Pollock

