  • 我的观影记录
地球上的部落 第一季

地球上的部落 第一季

《地球上的部落 第一季》是一部由西班牙地区于2016年出品的纪录片类综艺。该片由现代著名作家担任编剧,Jorge Linares Cadenas de Llano、Jesús Sánchez Romeva亲自指导拍摄。主要演员包括未知等西班牙著名影星。

The series will take you through the four tribes in Kenya unknown to the general public, including the Pokot, El Molo, the Turkana, and the Rendille tribe.1. Pokot - Children of the NileOur first stop will be at Bogoria where we will live with the Pokot tribe, a society marked by the so-called"age groups". Each member belongs to a group depending on when he participated in his first initiation ceremony, and we will witness one of them.2. El Molo - Phantoms of the LakeEl Molo is very close to the border with Ethiopia in Loiyangalani, here we will meet the tribes of El Molo and Turkana. The El Molo tribe bases its economy on fishing, highlighting the crocodile hunting. We will go with them to hunt crocodiles.3. Turkana - Vampires of the DesertThe Turkana, semi-nomadic, are the second largest group in Kenya. Their homes and personal items are mainly made from derivatives of cattle. We will attend to the manufacturing process of these items.4. Rendiles - The Shadow HuntersOur last stop is Maralal, where we will meet the Rendille tribe whose culture revolves around the camel. The lives and livelihoods of people are intricately and inextricably linked to that animal, source of food and symbol of social values. They practice many magical rituals in which their camels are involved. We will attend these rituals.

Jorge Linares Cadenas de Llano、Jesús Sánchez Romeva

